Friday, April 24, 2009


Yay me! I've decided to start a review blog. I'd like to centre it around Etsy (I LOVE ETSY!) - but that depends on how many sellers would be willing to send me things to review.

Here's the link to... a currently empty blog:

But, in addition to reviews, I'm going to give you Etsyans a little more publicity by using my memberships to many, many forums and organisations. The store of the month will be shoved into any post I make during its reigning period, without sounding like complete spam :D. I'll write about you on Bebo, MySpace and Facebook (well, as long as my friends don't think I'm crazy for doing so!). I'll recommend you to any friend o' mine who might take remote interest in your store. I'll wear your review piece everyday. I'll post your business cards on my way home. I'll... I'll.. I'll do everything I can to boost your buyers.

So pick me! The (hopefully) no. 1 Etsy reviewing devotee of all time!

...Any takers? ;p



So readers, you know how I suggested 'reading' to kill boredom in my last entry aaaages and aaages ago?

Well... for the more creative yawners (and the ones that are harder to frustrate!) - writing may be an excellent use for those wilting braincells.

You don't even have to have an idea!

There's roleplaying:

And fanfiction:

And obviously, blogging.

But seriously - if you're going to write about "how hot Edward Cullen is", or "how awesome I am" - then please, please, pleeaaaase... LET THOSE BRAINCELLS DIE!

It's not something anyone wants to hear about ever again. Ever. There was a time where either topic was accepted and appropriate. Not anymore.

Why? 'Cause the antis have waged war again the Twihards. According the TwilightSucks forum, all those squealy-wealy fangirls (and boys) have gone way overboard. A sane Twilight fan is so, so incredibly rare and cherished these days. People who dare voice Stephenie Meyer's inferiority to the subject "x" (where x is an unknown value) have been stalked, pushed down stairs, bashed, and, in a shocking case of lack of self-control and complete obsession - shot with flare guns.

Dude, do you know how PAINFUL that would be?! The poster provided proof, so the "BULLSHIT" stamp was spared from the thread's blackened walls.

If any fans are reading this, then... YOU GUYS SCARE ME. A LOT. TOO MUCH. 

Okay, I should probably be doing my Science project. - Next time, I'm going to remind y'all to PROCRASTINATE. :D
