Monday, May 11, 2009

Indie? Define indie.

Over the past decade or so, society has ditched the cliche factory... for some very new, fresh and "WTF?"-worthy stereotypes and genres.



Post-grunge-emo-alternative-punk rock. (Commonly known as "rock music"...)


And, perhaps the most prominent 'new' genre - indie.

But what exactly IS indie?

The answer? - I don't think anyone has any real idea. It's (apparently) defined as an 'independent style'... which, technically, means every existing piece of matter on this... really, really, bafflingly weird planet. (Please don't make me define weird. 'Cause that would involve defining normal... and frankly, that's almost impossible. It's just so.... paradoxical.)

Backtracking a little... dude... EVERYONE has an "independent style"... just some show it... a little more... colourfully.

Like in the eighties. Gosh, I love the eighties - and guess what?! My best friends neon and fluoro have returned from the land of Unfashionable! Thankyou, Wayne Cooper!

Oh - and don't forget the sunglasses at night - 'cause the sun never sets on a badass! :D 

*Sigh* You gals probably have NO idea what I'm ramblin' 'bout, eh? (YouTube it. Corey Hart. I Wear My Sunglasses At Night...)

Okay, let's skip my knowledge of the 20th century 'cause it makes me feel so very, very old for someone in their teens...

And we shall discuss some lovely-wuverly indie... things.

My current indie fix is a music source which goes by the name of "Callahan". (Previously it was Paramore, which apparently loses half of a potential fanbase because they're "emo"... gals, music is music! Love it, appreciate it - don't hate it for something completely irrelevant...? Also, they're going mainstream, so no matter how much I heart it, I probably can't count it as 'indie' anymore... as a general thing. XD)

Aaaanyway, Callahan's an unsigned boy (oooooh :D) band which records much... happier music compared to the big P. Unsigned groups naturally qualify as "indie" - so give them your support!

Wait.... probably shouldn't ask you to support something you're clueless about, hey? Listen to Callahan here:

They are absolutely GREAT (IMO)... and are based in Springfield (HA!) Ohio - so no chance of seeing them perform live anytime soon. *Sniff*. (Support! Support! The power of Aussie support is strong! :P) 

"Dress to Impress" appears to (currently) be their most popular piece (and... well, I guess it's my fave, too!) so I DARE you to listen to that one FIRST. 

Now, moving on... the indie film I was looking forward to most this year was the Swedish "Let the Right One In" - yes Twihards, the vamp movie receiving some wonderful reviews against your favourite series, "Twilight".

On a (very) personal note: I actually disliked Twilight (well, "Twilight" itself wasn't bad, but the sequels bugged me.) The misogynistic tone the series took on pained me - but the film was surprisingly enjoyable. So please, fangirls (and boys) don't go overboard with your opinions - I like reading and responding to them, just don't hurt me when I disagree...  I've come to believe that people who dare voice Stephenie Meyer's inferiority to the subject "x" (where x is an unknown value) to hardcore followers will/have be(en) stalked, pushed down stairs, 'bashed', and, in a shocking case of lack of self-control and complete obsession - shot with flare guns. I hope you prove me (and the TwilightSucks forum) wrong.

Back to the Swede film... I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but today at the library (while giggling over a friend's undying love for the "sexy and silent" Aragorn) I managed to fit in a review reading (sorry, not from GF - though I did get a few pages in!) published in Empire magazine. 5/5 stars - and the writer didn't seem to be a Meyer fan, either. Apparently "Let the Right One In" will be remembered decades from now instead of "Twilight" - and LTROI is stealing its market...

Then again, that doesn't work, 'cause Twilight ain't showin' no more, and LTROI is! Teehee...

Ah goodness, I do love the indie... industry oh-so-very much (even if it can't be fully defined...).

The best bumper sticker=SCREAM AT THE MAINSTREAM.

(It just looks/sounds cool.)

But that's not to say that mainstream music/films aren't worth listening to/viewing!

Yesterday I had "I Do Not Hook Up" (Kelly Clarkson AND Katy Perry versions) and "Long Shot" (also both versions) on repeat- and heck, those songs are catchy! I love 'em to bits! 

Fave line(s): "You wanna chase, but you're chasing your tail - a quick fix won't ever get you well!!!"

Hahahaaa, kinda cute, really...

Also, both pieces were written by Katy Perry (with the help of... other people...) - who always has that indie feel to her music. So that would make sense as to why I wuvs them so much.

...Okay, I think I've written WAY over the general blog 'limit' - like I always do! - Maybe I'm a tad too enthusiastic about... too many things... OH! Here's a nice question to leave you with: I'd love to hear your musically in-depth responses:

Anyone with a remote knowledge of "Twilight": Were you disappointed with "Bella's Lullaby"? Why/why not?

'Til next time!

xoxo - Linda.

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